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Hi, my name is Anis.
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Thankyou and good day!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Tagged by Sinister
1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
*-blogger friend
2. 5 impressions terhadap dia?
-didn't know her name
-don't ever know her
3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
*-nothin' [ huahua ]
4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
*-idk cause nothin' :]
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...?
*-uiks, she's a girl.
6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
*-do nothin'
7. Kalau dia kekasih awak..
*-she's a girl so cannot
8. Kalau dia musuh awak..
9. overall impression ttg dia
10.The most desirable thing to do to her /him
*-not yet
11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?
*-nice kott. haha. x]
12. the character of you for yourself?
-adores him
haha, pe2 yg baek sume aku, yg negatif tataw la. ;]
13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
♥14. The most ideal person you want to be with?
*-ouh can't tell you cause it's secret.
♥15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them.
*-thanks peeps, you make me feel not sunyi everytime I do anything. :]
16. Ten people you tag:

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