Welcome to my blog.
Hi, my name is Anis.
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Thankyou and good day!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


1) adakah anda suka blogging ? kenapa ?
*-yeah! mm, cause I can curahkan perasaan at this lovest blogger.
2)blog siapa yang selalu anda sekodeng? nyatakan 5
*-no la, but skodeng org betul2 ade la, haha. :]
3)upload 5 gambar followers yang anda suke.dan describe it.
*-ala.. malas lah, sori..
4) Adakah anda menginginkan seseorang dalam hidup anda? yang boleh menemani dan menyayangi anda sepenuh hati? dan siapakah org itu?
*-yes of course and I Love & Like this question!! and the guy must be Izwan. [ hm, actually I didn't know it's real name. ] :]
7) taken or single? mana lebih bagus?
*-[ I Love this question too. ] I don't know the answer. but I LOVE him. :)
8) Pernah tak cinta anda tidak dibalas?
*-um I didn't know.. but I think no. ;]
9) Ciri-ciri bf/gf idaman anda? nyatakan 5.
*-[ LOVE this too ]
-have a man's voice [ it means by he has suara yg mencairkan la ]
-school prefect :}
10)Pada umor berapakah anda merangcang untuk berkahwin?
*-after I pass my phD at university. :]
11) nak berapa anak?
*-don't wan'na think about it
11) 10 orang bertuah yang anda ingin tag
Friends, believe me, LOVE can change almost everything.
but our GOD can change everything in the world.
that's why I LOVE my GOD and also him.
3 things that I LOVE is,
Because they make me

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