Welcome to my blog.
Hi, my name is Anis.
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Hope enjoy ;)
Thankyou and good day!

Friday, December 26, 2008


1. besides ur lips,where is ur favourite spot to get kissed?
~Uph! STU-PID!! tanak kiss-kiss!!!
2. how did you feel when you woke up this morning?
~I wanna take a bath
3. who was the last person u took a picture of?
4. would u ever donate bloods?
5. have u ever had a bestfriend who was very kind?
~um, yea. [But Sometimes]
6. do u want someone dead?
~yeah! Bush [da presedent of america]
7.what does ur last text message says?
~"Good Nite Ummi"
8. what are u thinking about now?
9. do u wish someone was with u rite now?
10. what time did u go to sleep last nite?
~I think 11 p.m. n sumthin'..
11. is someone in your mind right now?
12. who was the last person text you?
13. would u considered urself to be spoiled?
~bored ov ur question
14. what are you listening rite now?
15. did u sing at all today?
16. when's the last time u cried?
~U know, I cry Everyday
17. who were with u yesterday?
~My mom
18. do u miss anyone?
19. if someone liked u now,would u want them to tell you?
20. do u want someone that u can't have?
~honestly, yes I am
21. do you think u will be in relationship 3 months from now?
~really didn't wanna think about dat
22. do u want to tell someone's something?
~yeah, "Everyone!! I'm so BORED!!! "

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